Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A "Marked" woman

As you might have read, years ago I began an adventure of taking God at His word and standing on the promises I have found in the Bible. A different road than my particular brand of religion.
Things have gotten more personal between God and me, and it has been an adventure to say the least. So much has happen that I've recorded in my book coming out in the spring called, WordSpeak: His Word, Your Voice. Recently, a most wondrous thing has happened to me.

I have suffered with migraines for 12 years. Taking med's, seeing doc's, feeling suppressed and depressed, the whole gamut. Some of the med's lead to physical depression. So many of my days have been stolen by the nauseating vise that grips my head, at times for a week or more. I have even gotten to the point of wondering what's the use of living like this.

But not anymore.

You will have to get the book to read more of the details of the new philosophy of prayer (cheap plug, I know). But the gist is taking a scripture promise that applies to a specific problem and praying it and then declaring it over my circumstance. Recently, I began to notice a verse in my consciousness that said, "He sent forth His word and healed them"(Ps. 107:20)
so I began praying that exact verse over my head. For about 3 weeks, the verse kept floating into my conscious mind and I would simply declare it as I walked from one room to another.
"Lord, send your word and heal my head" I'd say, or "God, you have sent forth your word and I am healed." Honestly, I wasn't particularly invigorated when I said it. It's just a routine I'd gotten into.

However, a few weeks before I'd received a text message from an unknown phone# asking me how long I'd had the migraines. "That's weird," I thought, and texted back, "Who is this?"
Turned out to be a new number from one of my kids. SoI counted up the time and concluded it had been 12 years since the migraines began in earnest. But I never heard back from them.

This incident reminded me of a prayer I'd prayed this past year after I'd read the story of the woman in the Bible who was healed by touching the hem of Jesus' robe. She had suffered from hemorrhaging for 12 years and had been to many doctors, but it had only gotten worse. Boy did I empathize. But she was healed. So I did the same thing, reaching out to touch Jesus' robe like a mime, I prayed, "Jesus, you healed her after 12 years, why not me? 12 years of migraines is long enough!" I said with emphasis. But I continued to have them.

A couple of weeks ago, I heard that my son and brother, both named "Mark," had attended a healing prayer conference in Dallas, TX. At the end of the session, the teachers called out conditions to be prayed for. One got up and said, "Some woman who has suffered from migraines for 12 years is being healed tonight" When no one stood, they went on,"It's not someone here, but it's someone's mother or sister."

My son immediately reached for the phone and texted me asking how long I'd had them, but he didn't receive an text back, (even though I thought I sent it). But being moved by the Spirit, he excitedly stood up saying, "She's my mother and your sister, Uncle Mark, so I'm standing for her!"

Weeks later, I got the news from my sister-in-law who had attended the session and she excitedly said, "Laura, that was you, you are healed!" But inwardly, I wasn't so sure. After all, I had been to numerous healing lines over the past years, and had been believing God for healing all this time, only to wake the next morning with a migraine. But another day headache-free came and went, and came and went. I spoke of this to my husband and daughters, who said, "Mom, you'd better receive that." So I did, inwardly fearful of another disappointment.

A few days later, I happened to come across a book sent to me by another friend in Houston, about divine healing, but I had read them all, and hadn't taken the time to look into it. I glanced at the book which fell open to a page entitled, "Jesus healed through a Spoken Word"
The story of the healing of the centurion's servant was on the page, and I realized that the servant was healed simply by the spoken words of Jesus. The faith of the centurion who told Jesus He didn't have to come to his house, but only had to say the word, and he knew his servant would be healed. Jesus was astonished at this man's faith, and told him that the servant would be healed that day. And he was.

Amazing. I thought. And then the dominoes tumbled. The prayer for healing after 12 long years, the "act" of reaching out to touch the hem of Jesus' robe, the spoken word prayer, "He sent forth HIs word and healed me, " the spoken word at the conference, my son standing on my behalf - it all had worked together for my good. And there I sat, miles away, with no stars or lightening bolts, being healed of a debilitating condition after 12 years.

Today marked the official one month anniversary. I never remember going that long without a headache for 12 years. I have had neck aches, and odd sensations in my upper shoulders and back which used to signal an oncoming headache, but it stops right there. It's as if God's hand is on the base of my head protecting it from any more assaults. My emotions are rising, as I think of how very personal my God has been to me. To think of how precious it is to be thought of in such a significant way.

You may be thinking, "Wow, nothing like that has ever happened to me." or "That kind of stuff doesn't happen for me" but I guarantee you I thought the same thing at times. I'm telling you this story because it is so wonderful and I want to publicly thank God for healing me, and praising Him in front of you all. But also, to encourage you to press for that which you need the most. I believe He desires to give HIs children good things, but there is a lot of debris in the way. It takes time, sometimes. Plus, when pain and discouragement rides so closely along with you, you need others to stand and believe for you like I did. That's why it would be nice to hear from you, what you want to believe for, and let me and others believe for you. Let's press in together, and then we'll all be singing praises to the rafters. What do you think?

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