Monday, October 12, 2009

30 Days & Counting

Who would have thought 30 days ago that I would not yet have a migraine ? What I mean by that is nauseating pain radiating up and down my neck and into my left cranium. Sometimes the nausea comes first, and sometimes just the pain. But who could have known then, 30 days ago, that that would be for me a thing of the past. Certainly not I, who has experienced these persistent little suckers for 12 years. That's right. For 12 years, every week, sometimes 3-9 days in a row, I struggle to stay present in my world. Between the pain and the medication, I felt wiped out most days. When I would have a headache, everyone around me seemed to know even though I tried to hide it. They could see it in my eyes.
"Why don't you just lie down?" my exasperated husband would ask me.
Because I would answer, that would be letting the migraine win. Not to mention just robbing me of one more day of life. But that lifestyle ceased to exist 30 days ago. I can't wait to tell you what happened. But that will have to wait until tomorrow. -L

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